


Cova Healthcare launches polynucleotides in the Benelux countries

Cova Healthcare BV, Dutch subsidiary of Cova Healthcare AG launches in January PLINEST and NEWEST esthetic treatments and a supporting home care range of Mastelli in the Benelux countries.
Based on polynucleotides, these products bring completely new solutions to patients looking to find a modern, healthier look.
Follow our website to learn more!



Soluable environment friendly laundry bags

Cova Healthcare launches unique completely water soluable polymer laundry bags for the healthcare sector and the hospitality industry.
Laundry bags manufactured from polymers are marine-safe and non-toxic and replace totally plastic bags.
“Every deed matters in saving our environment. We want to push a change for the use of nature friendly materials also in the healthcare and hospitality industry.
We must stop the increase of plastic waste in the environment and this is one step in striving for that goal”, says Mr Joonas Vaahtera, CEO of Cova Healthcare AG.



Season's Greetings

Cova Healthcare wishes you all a peaceful happy holiday season and all the best for a better 2021 !



COVA Healthcare AG on mukana MTV3-kanavalla alkavassa ohjelmassa "Olet mitä syöt".

COVA Healthcare haluaa olla mukana tukemassa ja kannustamassa ihmisiä holistiseen hyvinvointiin.
Sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistön sairaudet ovat yleisimpiä terveysongelmia ja kuoleman aiheuttajia.
Arteriograph-laitteella useat verenkiertoelimistön ongelmat ovat havaittavissa hyvissä ajoin ennenkuin ne aiheuttavat pysyvää vahinkoa.

COVA Healthcare AG participates in a Finnish TV-program promoting healthy eating habits.

COVA Healthcare wishes to encourage people to look after their holistic wellbeing.
Cardiovascular diseases are a major health problem and cause of morbidity. Arteriograph is a unique device for early diagnosis of cardiovascular problems. 



COVA prepared to provide tested PPE products for Healthcare stakeholders

COVA Healthcare has been approached by Nordic and Swiss Healthcare stakeholders amid the Covid-19 crisis.
Cova Healthcare is prepared to provide independently tested PPE products to the stakeholders to guarantee the safety of Healthcare professionals and patients.
All COVA products are guaranteed to fulfill the CE specifications.
COVA will carry it's responsibility to help the society to recover from the crisis.



New Website

COVA Healthcare launces its new webpage.




In these difficult times during the COVID 19 pandemy COVA Healthcare searches ways to guarantee the safety of healthcare professionals also by looking for possibilities to donate needed products to carry its share for the common good.



Swissmedic License

Swissmedic grants COVA Healthcare AG license for global pharmaceutical trade.



New Website

COVA Healthcare launces its new webpage.